Once again I haven't posted in a while and I have a good reason. Well I think its a good reason. My daughter turned 3 and my baby turned 1 and so I have been planning and working like crazy to put together one party that would fit both of them. We ended up having a rainbow party. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
So here are a ton of pictures! The banner, cause I always have a banner...
I also sewed 3 fabric banners to hang up around the room...
A rainbow of fan circles for the background of the food table(idea found here)...
The cakes(topper idea found here)...
The inside of the big cake(idea found here)...
The baby's smash cake...
Rainbow layered Jell-O(idea found here). I will be sharing the step by step how to do this next week on Sawdust and Embryos so check it out on Wednesday!
Caramel popcorn in cute rainbow containers...
Rainbow peppermint patties(idea found here)...
Finally a rainbow balloon wall(idea found here)...
Happy birthday to my sweet babies!!